Security Advisory - Ransom Email
To the Anderson community:
As of mid-July 2018, there has been a recent, ransom email scam that has targeted people all over the world.
What is it?
The email claims to have hijacked your computer and webcam and recorded you watching explicit videos. The scam further backs its claim by showing you one of your passwords. An example email is below. More information can be found in these security articles:
What should I do?
This is a scam and your computer is not infected. The attacker behind the scam hijacked an old account on a website you may not use anymore and retrieved your password from there. If you receive this email, you should immediately change your password on any site that uses it. If you would like to further check your computer, you can run a scan in Sophos Anti-Virus.
How can I get further help?
For any questions or concerns, please contact us at
From: Gavan Patton <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 4:58 PM
To: Your Name <>
Subject: - *****
séems that, *****, is your pass word. You don't know me ánd you'rè
most likély thinking why you are gètting this è-mail, right?
me tell you, I setup a màlwarè on the ädult vids (porn) site and therè's
morè, you visited this site to expérience fun (you know what I mèan).
Whilè you were watching vidéos, your browsèr startéd out working as a
RDP (Rémote control Desktop) having à key logger which providèd me
accessibility to your scrèen as well as wèb camerà. Just aftèr that, my
softwarè progräm collècted your complete contacts from your Messénger,
social networks, as well às email.
What éxactly did I do?
created â double-screen video. First part displays thé vidèo you were
viewing (you've got a nice táste omg), and néxt part displâys the
rècording of your cam.
What should you do?
Well, I
bèliéve, $1900 is a fair pricè for our little secret. You'll make thè
payment via Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search "how to buy
bitcoin" in Google).
BTC Address: 1L5XWDz7d2NjvuSspQr7sNXtUP5JrGpj52
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
now havè onè day in order to makè the päyment. (I've a special pixel in
this messãge, and now I know that you häve réad this message). If I do
not get thè BitCoins, I will, no doubt send your video récording to all
of your contâcts including fämily mémbèrs, coworkérs, and many others.
Nevértheléss, if I do gét paid, I'll erase thè video immidiätely. If you
wànt to havè évidencé, reply with "Yes!" ând I definitély will send
your vidèo recording to your 7 friènds. It is à non-negotiablè offer, so
don't waste my timè and yours by résponding to this messagè.